News and Announcements


Summer session and elimination of academic debt

According to Order No. NOD/402/24 dated May 22, 2024 “On carrying out semester control, certification and elimination of academic debt in the spring semester 2023/2024” the following key dates for the summer semester control 2023/2024 are established for students of 1-4 bachelor’s courses, 1-2 master’s courses, 1-2 PhD courses:

  • 05/27/2024–06/08/2024 – passing credits and defending courseworks/projects. In the case of semester control in the credit format, the announcement of results and control activities in the disciplines are carried out, as a rule, at the last lesson in the discipline. Grades are displayed in your personal accounts in the Electronic Campus.
  • 06/10/2024-22.06.2024 – examination session.
  • 06/10/2024-22.06.2024 – passing credits and conducting exams for full-time PhDs.
  • 06/24/2024-06/26/2024 – the first attempt to eliminate academic debt based on the results of semester control of the spring semester 2023/2024 for full-time students of 1-3 courses of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education, 1 course of the second (master’s) level of higher education , 1-2 courses of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education.
  • 06/27/2024-06/29/2024 – the second attempt to eliminate academic debt for the above categories of students.
  • For part-time students, the liquidation of academic debt occurs within a week after the end of the session on a specific academic course in accordance with the educational process schedule for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Published: May 25, 2024


List of educational components for full-time study

A list of educational components has been published for which the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics plans to provide practical training (certain types of classes) in full-time mode in the spring semester of the 2023/2024 academic year.

Published: February 1, 2024


Educational process in the spring semester

According to Order No. NOD/57/24 dated January 24, 2024 “On the features of organizing the educational process in the spring semester of the 2023/2024 academic year in a mixed mode”:

  • the educational process in the spring semester will begin on February 5, 2024 in a mixed mode with full-time practical training (certain types of classes, pre-diploma and research practice) according to an adjusted generalized list of educational components;
  • pre-diploma practice for applicants of the first (bachelor’s) level and research practice for applicants of the second (master’s) level of higher education will be carried out full-time at basic enterprises, institutions, organizations, structural divisions of the university, subject to compliance with safety conditions;
  • a schedule for settling in dormitories will be developed and communicated to applicants for higher education by January 30, 2024.

Published: January 25, 2024


Accreditation of educational programs

In the past year 2023, the Department of Power Systems Automation has successfully passed the accreditation of the educational professional programs “Control, Protection and Automation of Electric Power Systems” in specialty 141 Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics for the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) educational levels. The corresponding accreditation certificates have been added to the website in the “Common information” section.

Published: January 3, 2024


Recent content updates

The content of sections “Teaching staff” and “Employment of graduates” has been updated on the website.

Published: November 6, 2023


News archive… »

Peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the autumn semester of 2023/2024 in mixed mode

In accordance with the decisions of the Academic Council of the University dated July 3, 2023 (protocol No. 7) and the Administrative Council of the University dated August 7, 2023, in order to ensure high-quality professional practical training for higher education applicants:

  • by August 10, 2023 – available places in shelters are distributed and confirmed by faculties/institutes; development of a map of the settlement taking into account the available number of places in shelters.
  • by August 14, 2023 – faculties/institutes provide proposals for the list of educational components for educational programs, adjusted in accordance with the available number of places in the shelters, for which practical training (certain types of classes) are planned to be carried out face-to-face.
  • by August 17, 2023 – the educational department forms a generalized list of educational components for which certain types of classes are planned to be carried out face-to-face.
  • by August 18, 2023 – publication of the list of educational components for which certain types of classes will be carried out face-to-face, as well as information on the peculiarities of the implementation of the educational process in the mixed mode.
  • by August 18, 2023 – development and publication of the settlement schedule.
  • by August 21, 2023 – publication of the class schedule.
  • by August 21, 2023 – publication of recommended routes to shelters.
  • from September 1, 2023 – the educational process begins in a mixed mode with the implementation of practical training (certain types of classes) in the face-to-face mode according to the adjusted generalized list of educational components. September 1–2, 2023 – organizational events.
  • from September 4, 2023 – the beginning of studies for the 1st–4th year bachelor’s degree and the 2nd year master’s degree.
  • from September 7, 2023 – the beginning of studies for the 1st year master’s degree.

The majority of face-to-face elements of classes are provided for graduate students and students undergoing practice from 09/01/2023.

Published: August 9, 2023


Open Day at FEPEA

The Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics invites everyone to the Open Day online.

Thinking about which specialty to choose? How about a specialty on which the comfort of mankind and the work of all industries depend?

The specialty 141 opens up the world of electrotechnical, energy and electromechanical phenomena. Are you interested in what needs to be done to ensure stable and uninterrupted power supply for homes, businesses and industry? Or how is the power system monitored in real time? Maybe you are striving to create power plants of the future and “smart home” systems with autonomous power supply? Are you thinking about IT in power management systems? Do you dream of developing computer-controlled electric vehicles and robotics? Do you want to model and create unique electric machines or electrical objects? Then join the Open Day at the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics online!

During the meeting you will learn:

  • why graduates of the specialty 141 are always in demand;
  • everything about specialty 141 and the uniqueness of its educational programs;
  • where FEPEA graduates work;
  • about dual education, dual diploma program and internship abroad;
  • how, as a student, to master one of the relevant professions and not to miss your student life.

You will be able to:

  • communicate with teachers and students of the faculty;
  • get answers to questions;
  • take a virtual look at the laboratories and the building.

The Open Day will take place on April 07, 2023 at 1600 on Zoom (ID: 789 0939 5677, Passcode: DhkhF5). The registration form is here. More information can be found in the Telegram chat of FEPEA entrants.

Published: April 05, 2023


Changes in the organization of the educational process in the spring semester of 2022/2023 academic year

In accordance with the decision of the Administrative Council of March 23, 2023, and in order to ensure high-quality professional practical training for applicants for higher education, the following has been determined:

  • by March 31, in accordance with the decisions of the Academic Councils of the departments (upon the presentation of the departments), provide information on the list of educational components for individual specialties, for which the training in intramural mode will be organized, taking into account the provision of safety conditions for all participants in the educational process;
  • by April 01, prepare a generalized list of educational components, for which particular classes will be held in intramural mode, for approval by the Academic Council of the University;
  • by April 07 coordinate with the graduation departments the necessary number of places for additional accommodation of higher education students to participate in intramural classes with the mandatory provision of safety requirements in the campus and provide this data in the form of official memos addressed to the vice-rector for educational work;
  • from May 01, 2023, start particular types of classes in intramural mode for the educational components specified in the list approved by the Academic Council of the University.

Published: March 30, 2023


Educational process in the spring semester

According to the Order dated February 6, 2023 No. НОН/34/2023 “On measures to organize and implement the educational process in the spring semester of 2022/2023 academic year”, the educational process in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute continues remotely for applicants for higher education of full-time and part-time forms of study in accordance with the Schedule for organizing the educational process and the Regulations for organizing the educational process in remote mode.

Published: February 7, 2023


Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!

Dear Friends!

The Department of Power Systems Automation wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Let the new year 2023 surprise only with good news and bring us all victory, peace and prosperity.

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish each of you well-being and true human happiness!

Published: December 31, 2022


Additional measures regarding the organization of the educational process

Considering the current situation in Ukraine with constant interruptions of power supply and internet connection, an active discussion was held and the following steps were developed with student organizations and approved by the Administrative Council of the University in addition to the Order dated October 28, 2022 No. РП/225/2022, which provides for the possibility of conducting classes in asynchronous mode if processing in synchronous mode is impossible:

  • Make changes to the schedule of the educational process in terms of conducting semester control: in accordance with clause 3.15 of the Regulations for conducting semester control in remote mode, allow for educational components for which semester control is provided in the form of an exam, to issue a final grade for the exam by proportionally converting semester grades into the final grade “automatically” on a 100-point scale (subject to admission).
  • This will extend the deadlines for the completion of all works for all courses until January 20 (entering grades into the sheets on January 16-20), for masters of the 1st year – until January 27 (entering grades into the sheets on January 23-27).
  • At the same time, it is recommended not to change the RSO, the number of works and points, but to carry out a proportional recalculation of points.
  • There can be no penalty points for missed deadlines.
  • If the student wants to get a higher grade than the one based on the results of the proportional calculation (only for the exam), an examination test is performed, the result of which is added to the starting rating.
  • Set the deadlines for the liquidation of academic debts for all courses on 2023/01/23-28, for 1st year masters – on 2023/01/30-02/03.
  • An individual study schedule is provided no longer than before the start of a new semester (until February 3, 2023).
  • The second calendar control of the autumn semester 2022/23 will be held on 2022/12/05-17, so that students, teachers and departments can see the full picture of learning and the status of the implementation of individual curricula.
  • Curators should discuss with students their abilities for participation in the educational process.
  • Departments should make decisions regarding admission to the liquidation of academic debt, taking into account the objective circumstances and the ability of students to access educational materials, the ability of participating in the educational process.

An updated schedule for organizing the educational process can be found here.

Published: November 29, 2022


Conducting classes in conditions of martial law and electricity blackouts

According to the Order dated October 28, 2022 No. РП/225/2022 “On the organization and conduct of training sessions under the legal regime of martial law and stabilization power outages”, in order to ensure safe conditions for participants in the educational process in conditions of frequent announcements of the “Air alarm” signal and introduced stabilization power outages, it is proposed to:

  • Reschedule a lesson if it is impossible to hold it according to the schedule due to an air alarm or electricity blackouts for the teacher/students, within the working hours provided by the University’s Internal Regulations;
  • If it is not possible to hold a rescheduled class, allow it to be held asynchronously, granted that students are provided with appropriate educational video materials;
  • provide for the possibility of conducting control measures during consultations with the scientific and pedagogical staff (as agreed with the students).

Scientific and pedagogical workers are invited to:

  • Carry out video recording of training classes conducted in synchronous mode, with access to them provided to applicants, or intensify the preparation of video and other materials that meet the requirements specified in the Procedure for the Development and Certification of Distance Courses at the Igor Sikorsky KPI;
  • Update and bring to the knowledge of students the list of distance courses from open online distance learning platforms, the completion of which can be credited to the student as part of mastering the course taught in the current semester, with the corresponding points accrual.

Published: October 29, 2022


Calendar control in the 2022/23 academic year

In pursuance of the Regulations on the current, calendar and semester control of study results at the Igor Sikorsky KPI, the following deadlines for conducting calendar control for full-time higher education applicants of all courses of the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels are established in the 2022-2023 academic year:

  • the first calendar control of the autumn semester – from 10/17/2022 to 10/29/2022;
  • the second calendar control of the autumn semester – from 12/05/2022 to 12/17/2022;
  • the first calendar control of the spring semeste – from 03/20/2023 to 04/01/2023;
  • the second calendar control of the spring semester – from 05/08/2023 to 05/20/2023.

Published: September 21, 2022


Freshman Day 2022 at the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics

On Tuesday, September 20, traditional events will be held as part of the Freshman’s Day holiday at our faculty for 1st-year undergraduate students of all forms of study. The schedule of events is as follows:

For full-time students (groups EK-21, EK-п21)

  • Meeting with the FEPEA administration – will take place on September 20, 2022 at 16:00 at the address: Kyiv, Polytechnic str. 37, KPI building 20, room 4. For those who cannot attend the meeting on their own, the event will be broadcast online on the Zoom platform..
    Link to Zoom conference:
    Conference ID: 847 6252 8072
    Access code: feakpi
  • Acquaintance with the PSA department and educational program – will be held on September 20, 2022 at 17:00 at the address: Kyiv, Polytechnic str. 37, KPI building 20, room 307. Students will receive links to the online broadcast from the curator of the groups.

For correspondence students (groups EK-з21, EK-зп21)

  • Meeting with the FEPEA administration – will be held online (Zoom platform) on September 20, 2022 at 14:30
    Link to Zoom conference:
    Conference ID: 752 9943 1044
    Access code: 89ySSu
  • Acquaintance with the PSA department and educational program – students of the correspondence department will receive information about the meeting at the department from the curator.

Published: September 16, 2022


Accommodation of first-year students in hostels

From September 12 to 27 first-year students will be settled in hostels. Letters will be sent to the e-mail addresses specified when submitting the documents from Thursday, September 8. Please adhere to the specified dates. If you do not have the opportunity to arrive on the specified date, you need to inform Yuriy Lutchenko, who is responsible for the settlement of the FEPEA faculty.

You need to come to the settlement only after receiving an invitation email to your email address, which indicates the specific date and the number of the hostel.

Read the detailed instructions on settling in hostels for the 1st year of the bachelor’s degree here. Regarding the settlement under quota-2 – see here.

Published: September 8, 2022


The educational process in the fall semester of 2022/2023

In accordance with the Order dated 02.08.2022 No. НОН/233/2022 “On measures to organize and implement the educational process in the autumn semester of the 2022/2023 academic year”, the educational process at Igor Sikorsky KPI begins in distance mode / distance mode with particular classes in face-to-face mode for applicants for higher education of full-time and part-time forms of study in accordance with the Schedule of the educational process for the 2022/2023 academic year and the Regulations for organizing the educational process in distance mode.

By decision of the Academic Councils of faculties/institutes (to be adopted by 08/16/2022), it is allowed to conduct particular classes in face-to-face mode, taking into account the features of individual educational programs (or their educational components), provided that there are places in the shelters of the educational buildings where the classes are planned to be held, and that the standards of higher education are ensured. In the case of conducting particular classes (practical, laboratory) in face-to-face mode:

  • face-to-face classes are held only for those who have such an opportunity;
  • the possibility of remote connection (online broadcast) to such classes is provided;
  • distinct days of face-to-face classes are planned, taking into account safe conditions for applicants for higher education and scientific and pedagogical staff.

For applicants who do not have the opportunity to participate in the educational process, it is possible to transfer the mastery of the educational component to the next semesters, provide individual schedules for study and semester control, or academic leave.

Published: August 3, 2022


Admission to the master’s degree

Today, the registration of electronic cabinets for entrants for obtaining a master’s degree has begun, which will last until September 15. You do not need to upload any documents in the form of scanned copies to the electronic cabinet, only the numbers of such documents and your photo are added there. You also need to check the relevance of your e-mail and phone number.

Step-by-step instructions for registering and submitting electronic applications for master’s degree applicants through the electronic cabinet can be found at this link. If necessary, you can ask for help in the consultation center in the hall of building 16 of Igor Sikorsky KPI (Polytekhnichna St., 14). See the consultation center schedule here.

Published: August 1, 2022


Issuance of diplomas

The issuance of diplomas to graduates of the FEPEA in 2022 takes place from Monday to Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Dean’s Office of the FEPEA (room 217, building 20). To receive a diploma, you must have a bypass sheet and a photo ID with you. You can download and print the bypass sheet form yourself or get it from the FEPEA dean’s office.

To sign a bypass sheet, graduates who have debts in the library need to settle with the library. Department marking in the bypass sheet is not required for graduates of the PSA Department.

By August 1, 2022, scanned bachelor’s diplomas should appear in the «Electronic Campus». They can be used to register the applicant’s office. The original diplomas of FEPEA graduates enrolled in the master’s program at the FEPEA will be submitted to the selection committee in September.

The diploma and application can be picked up within a year from the date of issue. After a year, higher education diplomas are annulled and destroyed. If the graduate does not have the opportunity to come to Kyiv, the original can be picked up by the person for whom the graduate will issue a notarized power of attorney.

Published: July 20, 2022


Schedule of the educational process for 2022/2023

The schedule of organization of the educational process for the 2022/2023 academic year has been published. The training format is still under discussion and will depend on the security situation.

We would also like to remind you that next week from 07/04/2022 to 07/09/2022 the liquidation of academic debt of full-time students will take place.

Published: July 1, 2022


Elimination of academic debts

In accordance with the Order dated June 10, 2022 No. РП/55/2022 “On the procedure for eliminating academic debts by students”, the following terms for the elimination of academic debts based on the results of the summer session of the 2021/2022 academic year are set:

  • for full-time studies – from 07/04/2022 to 07/09/2022;
  • for extramural studies – within a week after the end of the session on a specific training course.

Students who had admission to semester control events in educational components and received “unsatisfactory” grades, were removed from semester control events or did not appear at them are allowed to eliminate debts within the specified time frame. The admission of students who had the mark “not admitted” is made by decision of the graduation department.

Published: June 11, 2022


Actualization of “Admission” sections

The content of sections “Admission to Bachelor Degree” and “Admission to Master Degree” has been updated on our website.

Published: May 24, 2022


Admission procedure for higher education in 2022

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has published the Admission Procedure for Higher Education in 2022, which regulates the admission procedure in Ukraine this year.

The main innovations for future bachelors:

  • passing the National multi-subject test (NMT) instead of the External independent testing (EIT) in three subjects – Ukrainian language, mathematics and history of Ukraine – on the same day in Ukraine and abroad;
  • establishment of through coefficients;
  • a motivation letter is submitted by all applicants;
  • change of deadlines for submission of applications and documents:
    • registration of electronic cabinets will begin on July 01;
    • applications are submitted from July 29 to August 23;
    • a recommendation for places under the state order will be provided on August 29;
    • it is necessary to fulfill the conditions for enrollment (submit original documents) before September 02;
    • enrollment under the state order will take place on September 05.

The main innovations for future masters:

  • the Unified entrance exam has been canceled this year;
  • for admission to our specialty, the results of a professional entrance exam (budget) or consideration of a motivation letter (contract) are taken into account;;
  • change of deadlines for submission of applications and documents:
    • registration of electronic cabinets will begin on August 01;
    • applications are submitted from August 16 to September 15;
    • a recommendation for places under the state order will be provided until September 20;
    • it is necessary to fulfill the conditions for enrollment (submit original documents) before September 24;
    • enrollment under the state order will take place on September 25.

The opportunity will be preserved to take advantage of special conditions for competitive selection for certain categories of applicants, in particular for residents of the temporarily occupied territories and zones of active hostilities, detailed entry mechanisms for them will be finalized during May-June.

Rules for admission to Igor Sikorsky KPI will be published by May 31, 2022.

Published: May 5, 2022


Changing the form of certification of bachelor’s degree graduates

In pursuance of the order of the First Vice-Rector of the Igor Sikorsky KPI “On measures to organize and conduct the educational process during the legal regime of martial law”, the departments of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics decided to replace the qualifying work with the attestation exam for graduates of the bachelor’s level of higher education and began to prepare the corresponding exam programs.

Exam programs will be published soon.

Published: April 1, 2022


The educational process in the spring semester of the 2021/2022 academic year under martial law

According to the Order dated March 22, 2022 No. НУ/55/2022 “On measures to organize and conduct the educational process during the legal regime of martial law” the educational process in Igor Sikorsky KPI resumes from April 04, 2022 for applicants for higher education of full-time and part-time learning forms in distance mode using a synchronous or asynchronous model of educational interaction.

Each applicant is individually offered:

  • synchronous or asynchronous learning;
  • transfer of mastery of the educational component to the next semesters;
  • replacement of qualification work with passing the attestation exam;
  • individual schedules for studying and passing semester control, including for the summer vacation period;
  • academic leave for applicants who are unable to participate in the educational process (only at their request).

Taking into account the already scheduled holidays and changes in the organization of the educational process, the schedule of the educational process has been adjusted, namely:

  • The calendar control is cancelled!
  • Semester control of applicants of all levels of higher education for all educational components will be carried out in the form of tests, and the RSO will apply the formula for converting the starting rating to a 100-point scale (according to the Regulations for semester control in remote mode). Changing the form of semester control does not involve changing the total amount of credits of the educational component.
  • Elimination of academic debt: 4th year and 3rd year of accelerated learning – the first week of practice (from 05/02/2022 to 05/07/2022); 1-3 bachelor’s courses and 1 master’s course – from 07/04/2022 to 07/09/2022 without the right to apply for an academic scholarship.
  • Pre-diploma practice for higher education applicants for a bachelor’s degree will begin on 05/02/2022.
  • The defense of master’s theses for applicants for higher education of a master’s degree will be held from 06/13/2022 to 06/26/2022.
  • The defense of qualification works and/or attestation exams for higher education students of a bachelor’s degree will be held from 06/20/2022 to 06/30/2022.

The features and possibilities of exercising the right to education during the educational process in the martial law regime can be found on the website of the Department for Student Affairs.

Published: March 29, 2022


Resumption of the educational process

The Administrative Council of Igor Sikorsky KPI decided to resume the educational process at the university from April 4, 2022 in a remote format using a synchronous or asynchronous model of educational interaction. The corresponding Order dated March 22, 2022 No. НУ/55/2022 “On measures to organize and conduct the educational process during the legal regime of martial law” has been added on the website.

For the 4th year of the bachelor’s degree, it is possible to replace the qualification work with the passing of an attestation exam.

At the request of applicants for higher education, it is possible to provide individual schedules of studying and passing semester control, including the summer vacation period, or academic leave for applicants who do not have the opportunity to participate in the educational process.

Published: March 22, 2022


Educational process during martial law

Due to the ongoing legal regime of martial law in Ukraine, in order to ensure the safety of employees and applicants for higher education of the university, and taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science, holidays have been announced in Igor Sikorsky KPI until April 1, 2022.

The relevant orders can be found on our website.

Published: March 18, 2022


Extension of distance learning regime

According to Order No. НОН/91/2022 dated February 21, 2022, the educational process in the spring semester will be continued in distance learning regime until March 19, 2022.

Published: February 23, 2022


Educational process in the spring semester (update)

In accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the administrative council of the university decided to introduce distance learning regime in the spring semester of 2021/2022 academic year until February 25, 2022.

This is due to the rapid increase in the incidence of COVID-19 in some regions of Ukraine.

The corresponding Order has been added to the website.

Published: January 27, 2022


Educational process in the spring semester

By decision of the Administrative Council of Igor Sikorsky KPI, the educational process in the spring semester of 2021/2022 academic year for applicants for higher education of all full-time and part-time courses will begin in a mixed mode, which combines full-time and distance learning modes in compliance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The corresponding Order dated December 18, 2022 No. НУ/9/2022 “On measures to organize and conduct the educational process in the spring semester of 2021/2022 academic year” provides a combination of full-time and distance learning modes:

  • full-time – for practical classes, seminars, laboratory classes, lectures in small groups/streams up to 25 people;
  • distance – for lecture classes, as well as practical, seminar classes of general university disciplines of free choice for applicants for higher education in the second year of study of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education.

The chosen mode of study is reviewed at a meeting of the Administrative Council of Igor Sikorsky KPI once a month no later than the 20th day of each month.

Published: January 19, 2022

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Dear Friends!

The Department of Power Systems Automation of FEPEA wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022!.

We sincerely wish that all the bad and unpleasant remains in the past year, and the new year will be filled with good events, unforgettable memories and wonderful meetings.

May in 2022 all your desires come true, goals achieved, and plans overfulfilled.

Published: December 31, 2021


Extension of distance learning regime

In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, amendments have been made to the Order dated 10.22.2021 No. НУ/222/2021 “On organizational measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19”, namely:

  • distance learning regime in Igor Sikorsky KPI is extended until 01.31.2022 for all forms of education (for applicants for higher education, as well as for students of advanced training courses, preparatory departments and pre-university training);
  • the term of implementation of the distance learning regime provided by these orders may be revised and changed once a month at least 10 calendar days prior to the entry into force of such changes.

Published: December 29, 2021


Distance learning until the end of the year

In accordance with the Order dated 11.11.2021 No. НУ/249/2021 in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus COVID-19, considering the worsening of the epidemiological situation, all forms of study at Igor Sikorsky KPI will remain in remote mode until 12.31.2021.

The period of implementation of the distance learning regime may be revised and changed once a month at least 10 calendar days prior to the entry into force of such changes.

Published: November 12, 2021


Admission to the premises of Igor Sikorsky KPI

According to the Order dated 11.09.2021 No. РП/227/2021 “On the procedure for admission to the University premises for the period of the “red” level of epidemic danger”:

  • Employees of the University are not allowed to stay in the University premises without wearing personal protective equipment, in particular, respirators or protective masks covering the nose and mouth, including self-made ones.
  • The attendance of the University for employees and applicants for education is restricted except for those who have a document confirming the receipt of a full course of vaccination; or a document confirming the receipt of one dose of a two-dose vaccine, or an international, domestic certificate or foreign certificate confirming vaccination against COVID-19 with one dose of a two-dose vaccine (yellow certificates) or one dose of a single-dose vaccine, or two doses of a two-dose vaccine (green certificates), which are included by the World Health Organization in the list of approved for use in emergency situations, a negative result of testing by polymerase chain reaction or a rapid test for the determination of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus antigen, or the recovery of a person from the specified disease, the validity of which is confirmed by an appropriate certificate issued by a doctor, or using the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services, in particular using the Portal’s mobile application Action (Diya), or have absolute contraindications to such preventive vaccinations against COVID-19, confirmed by a medical opinion on contraindications to vaccination against COVID-19, issued by a healthcare institution.

Published: November 10, 2021


Distance learning from October 25

In accordance with the Order dated 10.22.2021 No. НУ/222/2021 “About organizational measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus COVID-19”:

  • from 10/25/2021 to 11/15/2021 all forms of study at Igor Sikorsky KPI are transferred to remote mode (for applicants for higher education, as well as for students of advanced training courses, preparatory department and pre-university training);
  • the mode of the educational process is provided according to the schedule of classes and the schedule of the educational process;
  • a quarantine regime is being introduced in campus dormitories.

Published: October 22, 2021


Anti-epidemic measures at the university in the 2021/2022 academic year

In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the rector signed an Order dated 02.09.2021 No. НУ/180/2021 “On the approval of anti-epidemic measures in the academic year 2021/2022 in connection with the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)”. It establishes the rules and norms of behavior for all participants in the educational process and administrative staff during the quarantine period.

Published: September 3, 2021


Program of events within the framework of “Freshman Day” at the FEPEA

“Freshman Day” at the FEPEA will take place on August 31 at 1200 in the online mode (Google Meet video conference).

Event program:

  1. Speech by the Dean of FEPEA Oleksandr Yandulskiy
  2. Presentation of deputy deans and heads of departments.
  3. Presentation of the 1st year curators.
  4. Procedural issues of settlement in a dormitory.
  5. Speech on the start of study, events that will take place on September 3, answers to questions.

On September 3 at 1600 a meeting of freshmen of the PSA department (group EK-11) will take place in room 1-20.

Event program:

  1. Acquaintance with the head of the department.
  2. Acquaintance with the curator of the group.
  3. Presentation of grade books and student cards.
  4. Election of the headman and the deputies.

Published: August 25, 2021


Educational process from September 1

In accordance with the Order dated 20.08.2021 No. НОН/201/2021 “On measures for organizing and conducting the educational process in the autumn semester of the 2021/2022 academic year”, the educational process at Igor Sikorsky KPI for full-time and part-time higher education applicants will begin from September 1 as follows:

  • for all courses, except for the first year of bachelors – in a mixed mode of study, which provides a combination of full-time and distance learning modes in compliance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • for the first year of bachelors – in the distance mode of study from September 1, 2021 with a further transition to a mixed mode from the next day after the settlement of each faculty/institute in dormitories.

The schedule of classes will include additional information on the form of conducting classes (full-time, distance), and the decision on the chosen mode of study will be reviewed every month no later than the 20th.

Published: August 21, 2021


Obtaining documents on previous education

The Department of educational work of Igor Sikorsky KPI has published an article on how graduates and expelled students can take away the documents on previous education provided upon admission, or how to temporarily get these documents for copying.

You can get documents on previous education at the Department of educational work in the building No. 1, room No. 107 (“Student personnel department”) on weekdays from 900 to 1000 and from 1400 to 1600. Please read here what you need and what you should pay attention to before visiting the Department.

Published: July 5, 2021


Vaccination at the Igor Sikorsky KPI

Vaccination of employees

After 11.05.2021, vaccination of teachers and staff of the University against acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 will begin at the Kyiv City Student Polyclinic. Vaccination will take place in accordance with the developed schedules (expect messages from the heads of departments).
Vaccination will be carried out with AstraZeneca-SKBio vaccine. This vaccine is produced in South Korea and is interchangeable with the Indian AstraZeneca-Covishield. For vaccination, the passport and code (or ID-card) is required. After vaccination, a certificate of the established sample will be issued. Revaccination will be performed no earlier than 12 weeks after the first dose.

Vaccination of students

According to the signed memorandum of cooperation between the KPI and the Kiev City Student Polyclinic, KPI students who have chronic diseases, have reached the age of 18 and live in the KPI campus / Kyiv city / Kyiv region, will be able to be vaccinated against the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus after vaccination of University staff. Additional information and the registration form will be posted on the telegram channel of the telegram channel of the Department of Educational Work after the wave of vaccination of University staff.

Published: May 5, 2021


Organization of studying from May 5

From May 5, 2021 the educational process of the spring semester will be continued at the Igor Sikorsky KPI in accordance with the Order from 21.01.2021 No. NU/9/2021:

  • distance learning continues for all courses;
  • learning in a mixed mode is provided if necessary, by the decision of the Academic Council of the faculty/institute, for the fourth year students of bachelor’s degree and for the second year students of master’s degree (for the purpose of internship, conducting research in the laboratories of the University necessary for the preparation of qualification works, in compliance with the established anti-epidemic measures).

Published: May 2, 2021


Academic mobility

In order to disseminate information about mobility, the Department of Academic Mobility of Igor Sikorsky KPI organizes a series of online presentations for all faculties/institutes.

For the FEPEA faculty, the presentation will take place on April 28 (Wednesday) at 1600 on the link (Google Meet).

Published: April 23, 2021


The second calendar control

Due to public holidays and postponed weekends, the dates for the second calendar control of the spring semester 2020/2021 have been changed. Accordingly, it will be held from 05 to 20 May (inclusive) for students of 1–3 year of bachelor’s degree and 1st year of master’s degree.

Published: April 21, 2021


Easter and May holidays

Due to the Easter and May holidays in Ukraine, the following is postponed for employees who have a five-day working week with two days off on Saturday and Sunday:

  • days off from Saturday, May 1, 2021 and Sunday, May 2, 2021 to Monday, May 3, 2021 and Tuesday, May 4, 2021;
  • day off from Sunday, May 9, 2021 – to Monday, May 10, 2021.

Thus, additional days off in May (besides holidays) are May 3, 4 and 10, 2021. 2021 року.

Published: April 14, 2021


Second wave of choosing selective courses

Due to certain technical reasons at some departments of the university, the second wave of choosing selective courses in the Electronic Campus system will start on March 25, 2021.

Published: March 24, 2021


Master’s entrance exam

The program of 2021 comprehensive specialty exam for entry on the Master’s degree educational program «Control, Protection and Automation of Electric Power Systems» in specialty 141 «Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics» has been published on the website.

Published: March 12, 2021


Access to the module for choosing selective courses

Today, a module for choosing selective courses in the Electronic Campus system has opened for students. The selection process will take place according to the following schedule:

  • March 05–14 – “the first wave of selection”;
  • until March 19 – analysis of the selection results;
  • March 22–26 – “the second wave of selection” (if no groups are formed to study the discipline you have chosen, you will have to choose again, but from an abbreviated list);
  • until April 5 – the final formation of the groups for studying the selective disciplines.

Due to numerous requests for providing the possibility of changing the selection of disciplines, it was decided to allow students to change their choices. The functionality of changing the choice of discipline is planned to be activated within the next day.

Be very careful! If you change a discipline for which there are restrictions on the number of students, there is a high probability that you will not be able to choose it back again, because someone can take the vacant place. If you want to choose a new discipline that is limited by the number of students, keep in mind that there may be no vacant places left.

Students will be able to change their choice until March 14, 2021.

You can learn more about the procedure and features of this year’s selection in the telegram channel of the Department of Educational Work.

Published: March 5, 2021


Foreign partnership section

The content of the “Foreign Partnership” section of the website has been restructured and updated. An information on cooperation with The University of Warwick (Coventry, UK) has been added.

Published: March 1, 2021


Sikorsky Challenge 2021 Startup Competition

The jubilee X International Festival of Innovative Projects “Sikorsky Challenge 2021” will be held from 17 to 20 August 2021 at Igor Sikorsky KPI.

Details can be found on the competition official website.

Published: February 1, 2021


The educational process in the spring semester

The Order НУ/9/2021 dated January 21, 2021 “On measures for organizing and conducting the educational process in the spring semester of the 2020/2021 academic year” has been published:

Considering the epidemiological situation in Ukraine in terms of the incidence of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 and the well-functioning system of anti-epidemic measures at the university during the autumn semester 2020/2021, this Order establishes for full-time and part-time students:

  • To continue distance learning for all courses in accordance with The Order No. 7/148 dated 08.21.2020 «On measures for organizing and conducting the educational process in the autumn semester of the 2020/2021 academic year» for the spring semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. The training will take place in accordance with The Regulations for organizing the educational process in a distance mode.
  • To allow, if necessary, by the decision of the Academic Council of the faculty/institute, the organizing and conducting the educational process for the spring semester 2020/2021 in mixed mode for higher education applicants of the fourth year of the bachelor’s degree and the second year of the master’s degree in order to undergo internship and make researches in the university laboratories, necessary for the preparation of qualification works in compliance with the established anti-epidemic measures.

The selected training regime is planned to be reviewed once a month with the possibility of changing it no later than 10 calendar days before its implementation.

The settlement of the bachelor’s degree fourth-year students and the master’s degree second-year students for undergoing internship and making researches in the university laboratories, necessary for the preparation of qualifying works, will be submitted by the decision of the Academic Council of the faculty/institute.

Published: January 25, 2021


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Dear Friends!

The Department of Power Systems Automation of FEPEA wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021!.

We sincerely wish you strong health, success in business, well-being and prosperity.

Let the coming year give you every day an excellent mood, good luck, a lot of happiness and love.

Published: December 31, 2020


The credit session

The winter credit session will take place from November 21 to 30. The liquidation of academic debts will take place from January 18 to 23.

The schedule of the credit session is published on the schedule page.

Published: December 22, 2020


Educational process in October

Taking into account the epidemiological situation regarding the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 in Ukraine and the level of epidemic danger in the city of Kyiv, the educational process in October 2020 (autumn semester of the 2020/2021 academic year):

  • For senior courses continues to be carried out remotely in accordance with the Order of the Rector of Igor Sikorsky KPI, dated 21.08.2020 No.7/148 “On measures to organize and conduct the educational process in the autumn semester of the 2020/2021 academic year.” Training will be held according to the Regulations for the organization of the educational process in a distance mode.
  • For the first year of study is carried out in a mixed mode from 21.09.2020 on a flexible schedule of full-time weeks in accordance with the Order of the Rector of Igor Sikorsky KPI, dated 04.09.2020 No.1/266a “On measures for organizing and conducting the educational process in the autumn semester of the 2020/2021 academic year for higher education applicants enrolled in 2020”.

Published: September 19, 2020


Beginning of training for freshmen

The academic year for freshmen will begin on September 21. The first week of training for freshmen will be carried out on a full-time basis, in the following weeks training will be carried out remotely.

During the course of full-time training, students will be placed in free rooms of the KPI hostels in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological standards (2 people per room).

The general procedure for accommodation in the hostel is as follows::

  1. Fill in the Google form with information for placement.
  2. Within a week, a letter will be sent to the mail that the student indicated when filling out the Google form with information on the procedure for full-time study, the contacts of the accommodation coordinator and the address where you need to arrive (campus map).
  3. At the place specified in the letter at the specified time, you will be met by coordinators who will help with accommodation (contacts of the FEA coordinators).
  4. If you wish, you can stay in the hostel at the place you have booked after the end of the full-time study week, this can be done in accordance with the settlement procedure.

Published: September 11, 2020


Information update in the “Teaching Staff” section

The information about the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Power Systems Automation was updated in the “Teaching staff” section of the website.

Published: September 10, 2020


Distance learning in September

A number of important issues were discussed at the meeting of the University Administrative Council on August 19, 2020.

  • A question about the peculiarities of the beginning of the academic year at Igor Sikorsky KPI. From September 1 to September 21, the educational process will be held remotely. Further adjustments are possible – taking into account the epidemiological situation.
  • Accommodation in dormitories will take place in strict compliance with the current legislation and instructions, as well as the requirements and recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, approved by the government.
  • To ensure anti-epidemic measures, the submission of original documents by applicants during August 27-31 will be carried out by admissions offices in the buildings of faculties / institutes.
  • The university is provided with the necessary number of personal protective equipment. Additional purchases are planned as they are used and the new needs of the university may arise.

Published: August 21, 2020


Organization of studies in the autumn semester of 2020/2021 academic year

Taking into account the epidemiological situation in the country in terms of the incidence of acute respiratory disease COVID-19, on August 10, 2020 the University administration held a meeting with the participation of all departments representatives for organizing training in the autumn semester.

Currently, two options for starting the academic year for full-time and part-time students are being considered:

  • In case of stabilization of the epidemiological situation – to establish a mixed mode of education, which provides for a combination of traditional (practical training, seminars, laboratory classes in classrooms in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine) and distance (lectures using information and communication systems) teaching.
  • In case of persistence or aggravation of an unfavorable epidemiological situation in Ukraine and/or Kiev city – the organization of distance learning, which provides for organization of all classes types remotely.

The selected training mode is planned to be reviewed once a month with the possibility of changing it no later than 10 calendar days before its implementation.

Regarding settlement to dormitories:

  • a mixed mode of study involves the arrival of a large number of students and their settlement in dormitories, which in the current conditions can lead to a new outbreak of the epidemic on the territory of the University. Therefore, this option is possible only with a decrease in the incidence rate in Ukraine and in Kiev;
  • distance learning mode assumes automatic booking of places in dormitories. Settlement of students will be carried out only when the epidemiological situation improves.

Published: August 10, 2020


Terms of the admission campaign to the master’s program

From 5 to 22 August inclusive you can apply for admission to the Master Degree program. This year the documents are submitted exclusively electronically. In order to submit documents, you need to register an electronic cabinet from August 1. Then the terms of the admission campaign are as follows:

For budget applicants:

  • September 1 – publication of recommendations for enrollment in the cabinets;
  • September 6 – the last day to receive the originals;
  • September 11 – promulgation of orders for enrollment in the budget.

For contract applicants:

  • September 15 – the last day to receive the originals;
  • September 18 – promulgation of orders for enrollment in the contract.

Published: July 3, 2020


Meeting of the department

The meeting of the PSA department will take place online on Tuesday, June 30 at 1300.


  1. Approval of the study load distribution for the 2020/2021 academic year.
    Resp. for the direction
  2. Consideration and approval of curricula, working curricula, rating systems for evaluating of credit modules for the 2020/2021 academic year.
    Resp. for educational and methodical work, lecturers
  3. Consideration and approval of teachers’ individual plans and work plan of the department (2019/20 academic year and 2020/21 academic year). Concluding additional agreements with teachers of the department for the 2020/2021 academic year.
    Head of the department, teachers, secretary of the department
  4. Analysis of results and report on the defense of bachelor’s degree projects in SEC.
    Resp. for diploma design, supervisors of diploma projects
  5. Analysis of the results of the examination session.
    Curators, lecturers
  6. About preparation of department’s laboratories for new academic year.
    Head of labs, resp. for labs.
  7. Miscellaneous

Published: June 25, 2020


The schedule of the educational process for the 2020/2021 academic year

According to the Order of the Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute № 1/212 dated 10.06.2020 “About amendments to the schedule of the educational process for 2020-2021 academic year” for bachelors and masters entering in 2020, the autumn semester will last from 21.09.2020 to 02.01.2021.

Published: June 11 2020


Terms of liquidation of academic debt

According to the Order of the Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute № 5/114 dated 09.06.2020 “About the procedure for liquidation of academic debt by students” the following terms of academic debt liquidation based on the results of the summer session of 2019/2020 academic year are set:

  • for full-time studies – from 22.06.2020 to 27.06.2020 inclusive;
  • for extramural studies – within a week after the end of the session on a particular course in accordance with the educational process schedule.

Published: June 10 2020


Meeting of the department

The meeting of the PSA department will take place online on Tuesday, June 2 at 1400.


  1. About preparation for summer examination session. Analysis of the examination session results (4th year students).
    Reported by: resp. for educational work, lecturers, curators
  2. Results of undergraduate practice (bachelors) and preparation for undergraduate practice of masters in the professional training program.
    Reported by: resp. for practice
  3. Results of SEC work (masters in scientific training program).
    Reported by: resp. for the work of the SEC, members of the commission, supervisors
  4. Analysis of distance learning activities during the quarantine period and reports of lecturers.
    Reported by: Head of the department, teaching staff of the department
  5. About the progress of diploma design (bachelors).
    Reported by: Supervisors of diploma projects
  6. About means of improvement of the department’s information policy.
    Reported by: resp. for the official website and Facebook page of the department, resp. for areas of work
  7. About the registration results of the PSA department bachelor’s degree graduates for participation in the uniform entrance examination in a foreign language.
    Reported by: senior lecturer Lavrenova DL
  8. Miscellaneous

Published: May 29, 2020


New English sections on the website

Two new English section has been added to the PSA department website: Foreign partnership and Scientific school of the Department of Power Systems Automation.

Published: May 25, 2020


English sections of the PSA department website

This new English section News and Announcements has been added to the PSA department website.

Published: May 22, 2020


Defense of master’s theses at the PSA department: live stream

Published: May 19, 2020


Semester control and protection of bachelor’s/master’s theses in remote mode

Semester control and defense of bachelor’s and master’s theses will be held remotely. The procedure (in Ukrainian) can be found at the following links:
Semester control in remote form
Defense of master’s theses in remote form

Published: May 8, 2020


English sections of the PSA department website

A new English section Employment of PSA department graduates has been added to the PSA department website.

Published: May 5, 2020


Second attestation

The second attestation in the second semester will take place in the period from 04.05.2020 to 15.05.2020.
The results of the certification must be entered into the «Electronic Campusс» system by May 16, 2020 inclusive.

Published: Apri 29, 2020


Remote meeting of the department

The meeting of the PSA department in remote mode will take place on Thursday, April 23 at 1200.


  1. About the progress of theses design (masters, bachelors)
    Scientific supervisors
  2. Organization of the meeting of the Attestation Commission of the department for the defense of master’s theses
    Professor Oleksander Yandulsky
  3. Report of lecturers of the department on remote work during quarantine
    lecturers of the department
  4. About preparation for the examination session of the 4th year students
    Professor Oleksander Yandulsky
  5. About the progress of Internship of the 4th year students
    Assistant Volodymir Zakolodyazhny
  6. About preparation of educational plans of department
    Associate Prof. Oleksander Dmitrenko
  7. Miscellaneous

Published: Apri 22, 2020


English sections of the PSA department website

A new English section Admission to Master Degree has been added to the PSA department website. This section contains information on admission to the 1st year of master’s degree for foreign applicants.

Published: March 31, 2020


Continuation of quarantine

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the quarantine in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute will last until April 24, 2020. The effect of all measures for the organization of educational and work processes at the University, provided by the order of the rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute №7/60 dated 17.03.2020, continues and is valid for the entire period of quarantine, announced and extended by the Ukrainian government.

Published: March 27, 2020


English sections of the PSA department website

A new English section Admission to Bachelor Degree has been added to the PSA department website. This section contains information on admission to the 1st year of bachelor’s degree for foreign applicants.

Published: March 24, 2020


Distance Learning

According to the Order of the Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute № 7/54 dated 11.03.2020 “About measures to prevent the spread of the disease on the coronavirus COVID-19” the PSA Department of FEPEA conducts lectures in the remote mode. Communication between students and teachers implements via the groups and/or teachers e-mails.
Laboratory and practical classes will be held on a separate schedule from April 2020.

Published: March 16 2020



According to the Order of the Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute № 7/54 dated 11.03.2020 “About measures to prevent the spread of the disease on the coronavirus COVID-19”, all forms of university study for applicants for higher education, as well as students of advanced training courses, preparatory department and pre-university training for the period from 12.03.2020 to 03.04.2020 are transferred to distance learning using electronic classrooms in the “Electronic Сampus” system and other information-communication technologies.

Published: March 11 2020


English sections of the PSA department website

A new English section Teaching staff of the PSA Department has been added to the PSA department website.

Published: March 5, 2020